Businesses in the Denver area need to be able to secure talent to maximize their operations, market share and profitability. Doing so in today’s labor landscape isn’t easy, though, which is why many businesses turn to employment contracts to entice skilled workers while still protecting their business interests. But these employment contracts can also be risky if you don’t know how to property draft and enforce them. That’s why in this post we want to briefly look at some key issues that you’ll want to be sure to address in any employment contracts that you’re interested in creating.
Address these issues in your employment contracts
There’s a lot that can be negotiated and included in an employment contract. This includes each of the following:
- The scope of the employee’s duties.
- The amount they’ll be paid during the term of the contract.
- Ownership of intellectual property created during the contract term.
- When and how termination of the contract can occur.
- How any disputes will be resolved, typically through some type of alternative dispute resolution methodology.
You’ll also want to be sure to avoid common employment contracts mistakes. These include:
- Using unclear or ambiguous language.
- Utilizing terms that are inconsistent with one another.
- Failing to ensure that the employment contract adheres to existing law.
- Using terms that are irrelevant to the work to be done.
Craft strong employment contracts that protect your business interests
Employment contracts can be tricky to navigate. And if you’re not careful, you could end up doing your business a disservice. So, before starting negotiations around one of these contracts, you need to understand the business law that touches these agreements and what makes a strong agreement. If that’s something you’d like to learn more about, then please continue to read our blog and visit our other webpages.